Thursday, March 29, 2012

COD Juried Student Art Exhibit Results √√

'COD Juried Student Art Exhibit' results//

Your Own Private Idaho

2 for 3 out of a chosen 22 total, can't complain!
Opening reception 4.12.12 4-6PM, pics to come..

Monday, March 19, 2012

March Update//


Recently had a strong inspiration from visiting Wicker Park, and a fantastic portfolio review/acceptance from SAIC, that i can't not take advantage of teaching this mirror what and what not to reflect(haha.. get it?)'ll see what i mean.
..and also my mom wants me to start getting rid of the 'garbage' i pick up from around the neighborhood.
^Postwoman Estela knows where it's at.^


  • Waiting to hear back from the COD Juried Student Art Exhibit
  • Waiting to hear back from RISD
  • Working on my CCA and SAIC applications
  • Painted baby shoes for my good friend(stay posted)
  • Multiple other projects
  • RISD and MCAD visits
  • Saberspick
  • Getting the hell out of COD
  • A woman i can trust with my Heart..which may not be for a while..considering i plan on being out here in a couple months..great

Monday, March 5, 2012

Raw Esoteric// Merry Christmas, Brother

Stage 1. Past Relationship: Framed in white, shards of our work remain as we have always executed them; true works of art and nothing less. We gave everything to this place; hot cans in the summer, cold sweat in the winter, cuts and bruises, dirt and grime, and whole albums of memories, music, and lungs of dusted color. The top and bottom frames contain paint chips from individual pieces we’ve painted together, and meeting in the middle frame are chips from works which have brought us closer together in a multitude of ways; the first wall we killed together, meeting Nice1, those nights.., buffing… We worked from the outside in, Casa made us stronger.

Stage 2. Newness: The under light illuminates through transparent panes, engulfing the paint chips into an overpowering silhouette: this light immerses the color of each chip into the shadows, removing their identity from the walls and eliminating any memory for future generations. Rebirth and cleanliness will be the new face of Count Casa, and will never be the same to us again. It will never hold the same glory, the walls will never be as challenging, and she will never be seen in the same light.

Stage 3. Memory: The ‘memory’ of the old Casa retaliates, and with one last dying breath crawls through and beneath the paint chips. Having this glow of our Hearts imbedded within her walls, it eventually dies out with time. It shines not as bright as previously, but is more mysterious, making the viewer want to strip away at the paint chips to reveal the true wall once again. We will always have the memory of Count Casa in our Hearts, and never let that memory go until the day we die. In the summer we thrived there, and in the winter we froze there; painting, having Heart to Heart talks, bringing girls there, throwing rocks at fucking trains. It was our second home and nothing will take that from us.

Raw Esoteric(R.I.P. Count Casa)
March 5, 2012
Framed paint chips
(Thanks to A. Marpo for the photos!)

This was given to my best friend, David..probably THE most sentimental piece i've created yet.. This was his Christmas gift(i told you i'd finish it!), and if you don't recall i've made a couple previous posts about this guy//
..anyways, i've been holding onto that frame since August 2010, so it's been a while. and i've always had ideas with what to do with it but this just hit me one day..i HAD to make this, and i did! i just wish it didn't click earlier with what kind of lights to use(i tend to over think).. gorgeous nonetheless, something that captures the grime and beauty of our second home, and the transition of such history. i'd rather no one else have this piece than David, we hit bumps, shit goes down, but we still love each other and keep each other movin through life. Merry Christmas David.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Recently inspired by CHRIS to get some of my sketchbooks out there. these pages are in no particular order, i tend to jump around and go over previous notes/sketches or come back to them etc etc(and because blogger sucks at arranging more than a couple pictures per post).. pay attention to certain sketches that reference future works(earlier down the blog), you'll get mad props.

oh, and have fun with my little 'love notes' here and there//

Give up? dig dig dig.
Give up?
Give up?!
Give up?

Com'on i made this one too easy for you

                                                    Give up?