Saturday, May 12, 2012

We're not really s'posed to talk about this..but//

So i carry this thing around with me EVERYWHERE..and i don't let anyone look at it. i never's just something to write stuff down in, mostly stress related stuff. but I felt i had to share this one//
I have THE worst memory ever, and usually i can't remember the time nor place where i wrote whatever it was in this book just from the text, so i mark up the pages like you see here(stains of french vanilla tea, from when i was studying for a final with friends the other week)- from seeing that, i can instantly remember everything about that point in eternity when i wrote that, what i was going through at the time, the feelings i was enduring, etc. it's amazing what marking up the pages can do for you. Thank God for a visual mind. Keep your Hearts open.